Monday, April 11, 2011

Monsterpalooza Recap!

Aubriana here!
Monsterpalooza was AMAZING this year!  Thanks to everyone that came by our booth and chatted with us.  You made it all worth while and just a completely great experience!

Here's some photos of us in event!  Hopefully I can gather more as people post em up and I'll get the pics from Jessie off her camera:
Our booth!

Me with one of our neighbors across the way, Gabe Garcia(awesome sculptor!!!!):

Jessie and I with Steve Wang (if you don't know who he is... I'm very upset with you right now!):
 Right before closing on sunday, Mel Curphy (Miss Monster) and I wandered around:
 Sunday night at the bar, all the wonderful people we hung out and drank with!!!  Including but not limited to: Brandon Shiflett, Johnnie Saiko, David Igo, Mel Curphy, Norman Myers, Jason Tarpley and Stone Perales
Love you all and we had such an awesome and amazing time!!!  I'm so so so so sad that it's over now and Jessie and I can't wait for next year!  It's gonna be EVEN BETTER!  Trust us, we're professionals.



  1. Greetings Aubriana, & Jessie!
    My name's Kevin deAntonio, & I was one of the thousands that stopped by your table at Monsterpalooza this past weekend. Being fascinated by all things reptilian, I was instantly drawn to your amazing Lizard Warrior Sculpt. We talked briefly about it, & how you were looking to get it cast as a model kit. I dropped a few names: George Stephenson, Mark Brokaw, & Randy Guthrie, as people that could help you get it cast. I am very interested in purchasing one of these kits when it becomes available. :)
    Good Luck with your ventures, & please put me on your list to purchase your Lizard Warrior when it gets produced.
    Thanks again!

  2. @Beelzabubba
    Of course and thank you so much!
    If I might even make a second updated version of him in the near future! I will post as soon as he's available and thank you for your suggestions. I will be researching them soon!

